The Directors of Komcept Solutions Ltd. recognise that the disciplines of quality, health & safety and environmental management are an integral part of its management function.  The Company views these as a primary responsibility and the key to good business practices.

The Company places particular emphasis on obtaining Client satisfaction by:

  • Responding promptly and accurately to Client enquiries and contacts;
  • A constant pursuit of quality, value and reliability in the services that the Company supplies to its Clients;
  • Ensuring that its management and staff are fully trained to meet the requirements of the business and its Clients;
  • Constantly striving to meet and where possible exceed its Clients’ expectations;
  • Working closely with its Clients in seeking to establish the highest Quality standards;
  • Adopting a forward-looking view on future business decisions which may have an impact on Quality;
  • Training all members of staff in the needs and responsibilities of Quality Management;


The Company’s Quality policy calls for continuous improvement in its Quality management activities and business is conducted according to the following principals:

  • Complying with all applicable laws and regulations;
  • Following a concept of continual improvement and making best use of management resources in all Quality matters;
  • Communicating Quality objectives and performance against these objectives throughout the Company and to interested parties;
  • Taking due care to ensure that activities are safe for employees, subcontractors and others who come into contact with our work;
  • Providing complete Client satisfaction by delivering the highest quality services, on time, the first time, at a competitive price.


The ability of Komcept Solutions Ltd. to meet these objectives is measured through the internal audit processes and management review that evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the Company, as well as its commitment to continual improvement.

