Our Leadership
Managing Director, Karen Pomerantz
BEng (Hons), CertIOD
Karen joined the business in 2002 as a Junior Hardware Engineer back when chips used Assembly Language. She gradually progressed through into circuit design and layout, the latter she still works on today.
In 2021 she became Managing Director, responsible for day to day running of the business. She has a Certificate in Company Direction with the Institute of Directors.
Commercial Director, Paul Joyce
BSc (Hons), CertIOD
Paul began his career at Komcept’s inception in 2001 as a software developer, primarily working on communication interception tools. Undertaking installation work around the world over the following two decades, he has been involved in product design, deployment and training.
He became Commercial Director in 2013, responsible for all commercial activities and product development. He has a Certificate in Company Direction with the Institute of Directors, and is a full member of the Espionage Research Institute International (ERII).
Chair, Phil Joyce
BEng (Hons), FIET, CertIOD
Founding the company in 2000 after a 30-year career in the British Government, Phil has a distinguished history in innovative electronic design in a broad range of requirements connected with National Security.
Phil is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and has a Certificate in Company Direction with the Institute of Directors.
Non-Executive Director, Howard Cummins
BSc (Hons), FIET, CertIOD
Company Secretary, Jodie Peach
Having started work at Komcept Solutions Ltd. as bookkeeper, Jodie became Finance Manager and took on responsibility for HR.
She formally became an officer of the company in 2024 as Company Secretary.
Director, Yvonne Joyce
Yvonne was Finance Manager for the company’s first 15 years and held the office of Company Secretary until 2024.
She remains a valued member of the Board of Directors.
David Cater. Dave has 30+ years military intelligence and Law Enforcement experience with significant international liaison postings and operational experience.
John Haynes. Following a military career in the British Army, John went on to join British Intelligence.
John is a subject matter expert in surveillance and covert deployment and entry.
Mike Duxbury. Co-founder of Inclusive Farms, Mike was the first ever blind person to graduate from the Warwickshire College of Agriculture, leading to a distinguished career in farming whilst holding corporate advisory roles for major companies in a range of industries. He set up Inclusive Farm with a mission to make agriculture accessible to all.
Mike holds advisory role in inclusivity.