Due to the nature of our business, most of the time we can’t talk about our client wins or our client successes and at Komcept Solutions Limited, we experience both regularly.
This means that it’s harder for us to demonstrate our expertise and showcase our projects with case studies, or share social announcements to celebrate new clients or installations. We can’t really create powerful content by way of client video testimonials or by writing blogs to celebrate both client wins, and ours either. We also can’t feature many of our client or partner logos on our website, or in our literature.
Most of our client’s and our greatest work simply can’t be celebrated publicly.
The team at Komcept work in the security and intelligence sector, we design build and install our surveillance, border security & lawful interception solutions, and we provide these products and services to Governments and Law establishments worldwide.
This means that quite a lot of what we do for clients – is classified.
The Marketing team isn’t impressed!
Confidentiality Agreements are a Marketeer’s Kryptonite, they generally mean no client case studies, testimonials, video content, customer white papers or online content.
So, we’re getting creative. We may not be able to tell you who we’re working with or where we’re working, but we can tell you what we’re doing and why – and that’s a win for marketing.
We can also share details and dates of the comprehensive training courses that our expert tutors deliver, and we’ll be able to (if anonymously) celebrate our student’s certifications too.
With that said, we recently received this lovely and public comment from a client regarding our TSCM – Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures product.
If you’re in need of any of our services or you’d like to know more about our security and intelligence solutions and our specialised training courses, do get in touch.